Sunday, June 24, 2012

Operations Order 130-2: Emergency Redeployment of Tarsan Task Forces

Stardate:  Fiday, 097-130 ABY, Tarsan Commission of Diplomatic Affairs (CODA)
Subsector:  Shannekam

Flash Message to:  The Directory Council of Tarsus

From:  Eleonora Heraud, Commissioner of Diplomatic Affairs

Subject:  Emergency Redeployment of Task Forces 627-1 and 627-2

Begin transmission...

It has come to our attention that the People's Republic of Bongolaan intends to launch an invasion of the TAg Market Islands on Zenya, despite the current attempts to seek a diplomatic resolution. 

According to our reliable sources, the attack is scheduled to commence two days from now.  It will take three days for a subspace radio message to reach Pierson Station.

Therefore, we are dispatching the armed freighter Gadnek Survivor, (pictured in the lead image at Cortona Commons Starport on Ku Crassus), with elements of Diplomatic Security Team Three (DST-3), to Zenya and warn the local Tarsan authorities on the TAg Market Islands.

We are also dispatching Task Force 627-1 to rendezvous with Task Force 627-2, currently in the Zandamak System.

Together, these forces will make all speed to Zenya and evacuate Tarsan citizens from the islands, as initially detailed in Operations Order 130-1


A military-grade hyperdrive was just installed on the Gadnek Survivor, thanks to TAg Market CEO, Thasallah Cohain.  This vessel should reach Zenya within a day.  Based on our best-scenario calculations, Task Forces 627-1 and 627-2 should arrive within six hours prior to the scheduled attack. 

We hope.

The Zenyan Mainland United Government (Z-MUG) is divided over this issue.  We do not believe they will obstruct, or hinder our operation.  On the other hand, the Mainlanders won't likely help us either.

May the Force grant our ships and our citizens safe passage in the days ahead.

End transmission...