Saturday, February 16, 2013

After Action Review (AAR) #2: Tarsan Pre-emptive Strike, Phase-II

Stardate: Forday, 103-130 ABY/TAg Market Island Security Forces

Subsector: Shannekam

Planet: Zenya

Region: The Tau-Tau Autonomous District

After Action Review: Pre-Emptive Strike Against Surface-to-Orbit Artillery (SOA);
Afternoon, Local Time 
In addition to destroying most of the Crimson Aces fighters on the ground, the TAg Market pre-emptive strike also served another purpose:  It pinpointed the location of the Surface-to-Orbit Artilllery (SOA) the Bongolaanians had smuggled on to some of the nearby islands. 
Once the sites activated their sensors and scanners, each site was spotted by the TAg Market Island Security Satellite (Secsat) in geosynchronous orbit above Pierson Station.  Targeting data was downloaded to the Grav Patrol Boat (GPV) squadron.
Four of the squadron's six vessels (GPV's 251-254) raced to their launch points. 
 Meanwhile, the two remaining X-wing fighters were re-armed and refuelled.  They had one more mission to perform:  Shoot down the Bongolaanian security satellite.  Once the fighters were ready, two of the squadron's most experienced pilots, captains Malakhi and Natali, hopped into their cockpits and took off.
 However, this mission turned out to be more than a "milk run."  Before leaving the atmosphere, they were bounced by the two remaining TIE fighters of the Crimson Aces.  (This was contradictory to typical mercenary behavior and the pilots may have been on a personal vendetta). 
Malakhi's top, port-side laser was damaged, but the veteran pilot and his wingman managed to turn the tables on the TIE fighters. 
Both TIEs were destroyed in the fight and neither of the pilots ejected.  Unfortunately, Malakhi's fighter sustained too much damage in the dogfight and he was forced to crash land on the forest side of Jamasp Island. 
(Image from:  Ulrichvb)
Once Natali ensured her flight leader survived the crash, she blasted into orbit to intercept her target.  Even without TIE fighter cover, Natali had to dodge a barrage of blaster fire from the satellite's point defense system.  The fusillade inflicted moderate damage to her fighter.  However, she managed to destroy the satellite's positioning thrusters.  It's orbit immediately began to decay and the Bongolaanian "eye in the sky" plummeted into Zenya's atmosphere. 
Once the boat crews received the "scratch one spy satellite" message, they fired off salvos of concussion missiles at their assigned targets. 
All the SOA sites were destroyed in the attack. 
Due to the damage sustained by her fighter, captain Natali was forced to make a hard landing at Pierson Station.  The last of TAg Market Security's X-wing was now out of commission. 
Post Strike Assessment:
Despite the loss of all the X-Wings at Pierson Station, the mission was a success.  The threat to the Station's entry corridor has been removed--for the time being. 
While Pierson's Station's supply vector has been secured against Bongolaanian interdiction, it is unknown at this time if the Zenyan Mainland United Government (Z-MUG) will remain neutral in this planetary brush war.  If the Z-MUG Parliament sides with the People's Democratic Republic of Bongolaan in this matter, then Z-MUG space forces could easily blockade Pierson Station.
Except for local militia, the Tau-Taus are currently preparing for a military operation against the Sith Mutants on Gadnek Island.
GM's Notes:
The top photo is of a NASA spy satellite, while the second space image is an artist's illustration of the destruction of the Japanese H-2 Transfer Vehicle.   
The TIE and X-wing fighters, along with the Hailfire Tank, are from the Wizards of the Coast Star Wars Miniatures collection.  The "GPV" is a military boat from Micro Machines.
The explosions bracketing the Hailfire Tank are blast markers from PaperTerrain.

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